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Letters & Forms


The Student Academic Administration (SAA) Office processes a range of letters for current students and graduates, including; Registration letters, Education Verifications & Jury Duty letters.

Letter Requests

To request a letter of registration from the college, please complete this form.

If you are an Education Student and require a letter regarding your school placement, please contact​

If you are an Arts Student and require a letter regarding your off-campus placement, please contact


Thurles Students: If you are a SPC Thurles student and require a letter regarding your school placement, please contact

MIC letterhead on a grey background
selection of MIC forms
selection of forms

Processing of Forms

If you have a form that needs to be stamped, SAA can help you. We process a range of forms for current students, including but not restricted to:

  • HSE Medical Card application
  • HSE Drug Payment scheme
  • Social Welfare
  • Child Benefit
  • Back to Education Allowance
  • Job Seekers
  • Children's Allowance
  • Disability Allowance
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Pension related forms
  • Certain funding forms
  • J1 applications

All forms submitted for processing, must be completed in full by the applicant in advance.

To have your form processed, you can either call to the SAA Office with the form and your MIC Student ID card, or you can send a PDF version (not photograph) of the entire form to from your MIC Student email. We will verify, sign and stamp the completed application.


Thurles Students: Please contact - Room 122, First Floor, SPC Thurles.

Important Notes

  • Forms can only be stamped for one academic year at a time and for currently registered students only 
  • For the majority of undergraduates who are registered from September to May, it is not possible to stamp any forms during the summer months
  • You must be a current registered student for the form to be processed
  • The details provided in the application form must match the current details held by MIC on your student record

SAA does not stamp fee forms - including the FRS2 (Student Free Fee Declaration) from. Please send this form to the Fees Office: for processing.

Data Protection Information: Parents, Guardians and 3rd Party

If your parent or guardian sends a form for completion to our service, under Data Protection regulations, we are obliged to contact you about this. We are prohibited from releasing information to any third party without your explicit consent.

If you would like a friend or family member to come into the SAA Office to get a form stamped on your behalf, you must send us an email (, giving your express permission. In your email, include the full name of the person who will bring in your form and ask this person to bring photo ID with them when they come to the SAA Office. We can not stamp a form unless we receive the student's written permission to do so.

  • Letters
  • Processing of Forms
  • Data Protection Information: Parents, Guardians and 3rd Party