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French Studies

Blog: PhD Assistantship in French Studies

by French Studies

The Department of French Studies at Mary Immaculate College is pleased to announce that an assistantship is currently available for a PhD in French Studies on any topic related to either 18th- or 19th-century French literature and culture.

The successful candidate will have her/his fees (approx. €4,500 per year) paid for the normal duration of her/his programme of studies (3 years for a PhD) and will be awarded, for each year, a sum of €6,900 in return for undergraduate teaching and/or other College duties to a maximum 120 hours per academic year.

To be considered for this assistantship, applicants must send their complete application so that it is received by noon on Monday 15 April 2019, 1pm (Irish time) at the latest. It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to begin on 1st September 2019. Click here to find out more.