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German Studies

Blog: Dr Christiane Schönfeld admitted to the Royal Irish Academy

by German Studies
Dr Christiane Schönfeld with Professor Pat Guiry, President of the RIA, and Professor Michael Healy, Vice-President Research at MIC

On May 24th 2024, Dr Christiane Schönfeld was admitted as Member of the Royal Irish Academy. She is one of twelve new RIA members who represent Polite Literature & Antiquities (Humanities and Social Sciences). 

The Royal Irish Academy is an all-island, independent forum founded in 1785 as Ireland’s academy for the sciences and the humanities. It brings together the worlds of academia, government and industry to address issues of mutual interest. It is internationally renowned for its role in promoting excellence in scholarship, recognising achievements in learning and directing research.

Christiane's admittance marked her recognition by the RIA as a world-class researcher and a scholar of excellence. It was also an occasion of considerable significance for MIC, as she became the first MIC academic to be admitted to the Royal Irish Academy in the history of the College. 

Our heartiest congratulations, Christiane!