Official Opening of the Lime Tree Theatre
MIC is home to the Lime Tree Theatre, a 510-seat, state-of-the-art professional facility and Limerick's premier arts venue.

The venue was officially opened in October 2012, with the Abbey Theatre’s production of Seán O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars, with Minister Jimmy Deenihan, TD Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, in attendance.
The Lime Tree Theatre hosts a wide range of performances including theatre, music, comedy, dance, traditional arts, schools’ performances and conferences. As a large-scale theatre, it is a significant organisation within the national cultural infrastructure and, most especially to the cultural, social and economic life of Limerick and the mid-west.
Since its opening, the Theatre has hosted performances by local, national and international groups and individuals, and brought touring productions by the likes of the Abbey Theatre and Druid Theatre Company back to Limerick after a long hiatus. The Lime Tree Theatre also plays host to the annual student musical production by MISU every year, a highlight of the Limerick arts calendar.