Mary Immaculate College Crest
The College’s Director of Art Education at the time, Evan Morrissey, designed a new insignia to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the College. The three panels of the insignia represent the three elements symbolising the identity of the College.

On the left, an extract from the coat of arms of the historic city of Limerick represents the location of the College within the city. The central panel portrays the flame of learning embodied in the hosts of teachers who have cherished and educated multitudes of children in many lands. On the right, the Mercy symbol represents the founding Sisters of Mercy whose spirit has permeated the life of the College through the years. The insignia is crowned by the words of the Psalmist chosen as the College motto “Briathar Dé mo Lóchrann” (“The Word of God, a lamp for my steps Ps. 118”). The crest still forms part of the MIC logo today.
Passing on the Torch - a History of Mary Immaculate College 1898-1998 (Published 1998), pg 1.