International Office Established
The International Office (IO) at MIC was established to cultivate international partnerships, both within Europe and internationally, to create opportunities for the inbound and outbound semester exchange for students and Study Abroad experiences for US students at MIC.

The past decade has seen significant developments in this area. In 2016, the IO submitted its first application for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, which resulted in €145,436 funding for staff and student mobility to China, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia and the USA. To date, MIC has been awarded over €1.5 million in ICM funding, which has funded MIC staff and ambassadors for the College to build partnerships all over the world.
In 2019 MIC welcomed 100 student teachers from Mexico onto the San Patricios’ programme, a three-week programme in Inclusive Education. The same year saw the first group of 19 principals and school leaders selected for a scholarship to undertake a Graduate Diploma in Mentoring & Leadership as part of a €3.2 million contract with Brazilian government agency, CAPES. Thirty teachers began this programme in September 2023. Today, the International Office continues to build MIC’s profile, particularly in short-term programmes that showcase the College’s expertise, ensuring that MIC will continue to grow and flourish with greater international links, while continuing to play a pivotal role in third-level education in a more diverse and inclusive Ireland.