Free Home Scheme Granted
Following a 12-year campaign, undertaken by Bishop Dwyer, for equality of financial treatment of Mary Immaculate College, the long-awaited Free Home Scheme was granted to the College in November 1911.

Letter from Office of National Education, Dublin to Mrs (Sr) Quinlan, President of Mary Immaculate.
Office of National Education
Dublin, 2nd November, 1911
In connection with the Free Home Annuity recently made available for the above-named College, I am directed to acquaint you that the Commissioners consider an annual payment by the College should now commence to be made with the view of ultimately relieving it from all liability in connection with the building and equipment debt (£14,417) due by the College to the Community of the Sisters of Mercy, St. Mary’s, Limerick, - so that all building and equipment debt may be liquidated, Principal and Interest, by the time that the Free Home Annuity shall terminate.
It is desirable also to consolidate with this the further debt (£4,550) representing the liability of the College in respect of seven years’ arrears of salary due to members of the College Staff who are also members of the Community - which charge the resources of the College have been unable until now to meet.
The total annual payment terminable in 35 years to be made for the foregoing purposes computes to £948 upon a basis of 3½ per cent. simple interest rate for money.
A form of receipt is enclosed which it is desirable that the College should receive from the Community in respect of these payments.
I am Madam,
Your obedient Servant,
W.J. Dilworth
Mrs. Quinlan,
Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick.
So ended the long battle for equality of treatment on behalf of Mary Immaculate between Bishop O’Dwyer and the various officials of the British government.
Passing on the Torch - a History of Mary Immaculate College 1898-1998 (Published 1998), pg 17 & 18.