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Theme 2: Institutional Mission & Ethos

A Holistic Learning Experience with a Call to Action

At the heart of Mary Immaculate College’s (MIC) mission is its commitment to fostering a transformative learning environment that supports the holistic development of students. MIC recognizes that education is not solely about knowledge acquisition but also about cultivating ethical, socially conscious individuals who are equipped to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. This formative mission ensures that MIC graduates are not only prepared for their professional roles but are also empowered to lead with purpose, responsibility, and compassion.

MIC understands the profound impact exerted by shaping learners who can become agents of change within their communities and beyond. The College nurtures a culture of inquiry, critical thinking, and creativity, encouraging students to explore solutions to complex global challenges, including climate change. Through personalized learning experiences, reflective practice, and hands-on engagement, MIC instils in its students a sense of stewardship for the environment, social justice, and the common good. This mission aligns seamlessly with MIC’s broader climate action goals, as education becomes a cornerstone for societal transformation.

For these reasons, MIC is particularly well-positioned to provide an offering that incorporates the UN SDGs at programme level, and in terms of immersion at the level of delivery a wide span of modules contain learning outcomes that explicitly reference specific SDGs. This includes professional teacher education programmes across Levels 8-10 as well as professional development programmes, in addition to Direct Access programmes for ‘non-traditional’ learners. The College has set a target for further integration of the SDGs which will be implemented in the context of its forthcoming strategic plan for the period 2025-2030 as well as in its Performance Agreement with the Higher Education Authority (for the period 2024-2028). Utilising the STARS Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System, the College is seeking to bring a minimum of 15% of all modules across the entirety of its provision into alignment with the SDGs, benchmarking itself against comparable institutions (in the international context) and verifying its performance against the STARS indicators. This is detailed further under the thematic area focused on innovation in teaching and learning (Theme 3).

Institutional Ethos

In terms of institution-level ethos, Laudato Si’, the landmark encyclical written by Pope Francis on care for the Earth, our common home, resonates deeply with the mission and values of Mary Immaculate College (MIC). MIC, as an institution rooted in Catholic heritage, embraces a commitment to fostering social justice, environmental stewardship, and ethical leadership.

By mapping to the core principles set out in the encyclical, Laudato Si’ provides a conceptual framework that helps develop an understanding of the College’s distinctive mission – and its potential to be an influential agent of change - in the broad context of climate action and sustainability:

  • Integral Ecology: Recognizing the interconnection of social, economic, and environmental systems.
  • Social Justice: Prioritizing equity and inclusion, addressing both “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
  • Sustainability and Leadership: Cultivating ethical leaders committed to environmental stewardship.
  • Community-Driven Solutions: Engaging with partners to foster collaborative, local responses to global challenges.
  • Educational Excellence with Ethical Purpose: Instilling climate-conscious values alongside (as) academic knowledge.

These principles resonate deeply with MIC’s insistence on its role as an agent of change, shaping graduates who lead with compassion, responsibility, and innovation.

Key Roadmap Actions

  • The new MIC Strategic Plan (2025-2030) will place a core emphasis on the centrality of climate action and sustainability across all dimensions of the College mission;
  • MIC graduate attributes will reflect the resonance of climate knowledge and commitment to sustainability within the skillsets offered by our students as they enter their respective career pathways.
  • A Holistic Learning Experience with a Call to Action
  • Institutional Ethos