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Registration - CDIME 2025 Conference

Registration Information

The Cultural Diversity in Music Education (CDIME) conference registration is now open.

The registration fee for delegates at CDIME 2025 includes attendance at the conference, lunch and coffee breaks on all days of the conference programme (Tuesday-Thursday), welcome reception and conference dinner.

Early Bird Registration Rates (until 31 May 2025)

  • Regular Registration: €180
  • Discounted Registration for Students: €100

Standard Registration Rates (from 1 June 2025)

  • Regular Registration: €210
  • Discounted Registration for Students: €100

Conference Dinner

The conference gala dinner will be held in...

  • Conference Dinner is included in the above registration rates.

Register here

Please note

Travel to Limerick and accommodation are not included in the registration rates. Please click here for accommodation options in Limerick.

  • Delegates are encouraged to purchase travel insurance.
  • The conference organisers reserve the right to modify the programme in the event of unforeseen circumstances without advance notification to the delegates.
  • The deadline for early bird registration is 31 May 2025. Thereafter, standard registration rates will apply.

Conference Data Notice

One of your rights under EU law is that you must be informed when your personal data - also known as personal information - is processed (collected, used, stored) by any organisation including one of the EU institutions. You also have the right to know the details and purpose of that processing.

This notice will outline the processing of personal data of attendees of the CDIME Conference 2025. As co-hosts of this conference with The Irish World Academy of Music & Dance, University of Limerick (UL), Mary Immaculate College (MIC) may collect your personal data only to the extent necessary for conference organisational purposes, to provide you with information about the conference (before, during and after) and process your application to attend. Where necessary, we may also share your information with service providers for the purposes of organising the conference and associated events.

How we use your personal data

If submitting a paper proposal, we will collect some of your personal data to communicate with authors regarding their proposals and to provide authors with information about the conference, assemble the conference programme, and to put the proposals in thematically-appropriate groups. The data you provide will not be used for any additional purposes.

How we use your personal data.

If registering for the conference, we will collect some of your personal data for the purposes of processing your registration and for organisational matters. The data you provide will not be used for any additional purposes.

The personal data we will collect via our online form includes:

  • Name
  • Email 
  • Registration type - Standard/Student
  • Dietary & Access Requirements

MIC will delete this data immediately after the conference has taken place. We provide you with the option to express your consent in the registration form.

Visit the Data Protection Officer at the MIC Information Compliance page on the MIC website for more information on your rights and how to exercise them.

  • Registration Information
  • Conference Data Notice