Strategic Communications & Marketing
The Strategic Communications & Marketing (SCM) Office at Mary Immaculate College is primarily concerned with developing and enhancing the reputation of the College among stakeholder groups and is charged with successfully marketing and effectively communicating the strategic priorities of MIC.

Working in close consultation with individuals and teams at the College, the SCM division conveys the strategic priorities of MIC through the provision of effective marketing, communication, event management and branding supports.
By working closely with this Office, departments and units can ensure that their key messages are in keeping with MIC's overall brand positioning and communications strategy, but they can also benefit from the expertise of the SCM's skilled personnel in the variety of areas outlined.
Visit the SCM section of the Staff Portal for how best to engage with the services provided by SCM.
Programme Marketing
Request a Prospectus
To receive a hardcopy of an MIC undergraduate or postgraduate prospectus please email
To download our undergraduate or postgraduate prospectus, click on the link below.
Programme Marketing
The Programme Marketing division of the SCM Office is responsible for all programme marketing campaigns; undergraduate, postgraduate, alternative pathway programmes, in addition to a suite of Continuing Professional Development programmes, across two campuses.
As well as managing the corporate marketing function, the Office provides strategic marketing advice and support to individual departments - including identifying target audiences and communications objectives, advising as to the best channels to achieve strategic goals and delivering effective marketing and advertising promotional campaigns and materials.
Among the Programme Marketing services offered are:
- Production of all programme promotional material
- Production and dissemination of promotional videos
- Event management & PR for student recruitment events i.e. Open Days/Taster Days/Postgraduate Information Sessions and Live Q&A events
- Development and implementation of social media, digital media and traditional media marketing campaigns
- Editorial and advertorial features in trade publications, local and national press
Visit the Staff Portal for more information about the services offered by Programme Marketing.
Schools Outreach
Mary Immaculate College's Schools Outreach Programme involves visiting secondary schools, attending career fairs, coordinating the College Open Days, Information Evenings, Taster Sessions and offering campus tours to ensure that as many prospective students as possible learn about the full range of exciting opportunities MIC has to offer.
School Visits
Each year more and more Career Guidance Counsellors are recognising the benefit of providing their transition year, fifth year and sixth year students with the opportunity to speak with a representative from MIC. Students gain an insight into the College's range of programmes, as well as the subject choices and career prospects related to them, and they get to ask any questions that they might have about student life. Personal delivery of interactive presentations supplements information that is already available in the prospectus in hardcopy and web-based formats. To arrange a school visit at a time that is suitable for you and your class, please contact our Student Recruitment Officer - email
Career Fairs
During the school year, MIC attends numerous career exhibitions throughout the country. These include all of the major exhibitions in Limerick, Kerry, Cork, Clare, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Galway, Roscommon and Dublin.
If you are organising a career fair in your area and would like MIC to participate, please contact our Student Recruitment Officer - email
The Communications division of the SCM Office manages all media relations, public relations, social and digital media, videography and photography for MIC.
Media Relations
The Communications team is committed to telling MIC’s story, drawing attention to key strategic messages and successes of the College, its student community and alumni, and promoting the many conferences, public lectures and other events taking place throughout the year.
Through its various media campaigns, MIC conveys to the wider public how the College continues to contribute to the national and global economy and quality of life at a local, national and international level.
The SCM Office also provides advice and support to MIC staff and students on media engagement. Guidelines on how to tell the MIC story are available on the MIC Staff Portal.
Visit the Staff Portal for more information about the services offered by the Communications team.
Media Enquiries
SCM is the first point of contact for all media enquiries and aims to provide clear, consistent, accurate, and timely information to journalists and reporters. For press queries or further information about any of the items featured on our News & Events page, please contact the SCM Office directly at
Media Research Experts
We have a number of Research Experts who are interested in contributing to public media debates and/or comment on topics relevant to their area of expertise. If you or your organisation is interested in contacting such an expert please contact this office with details of the specific subject area and we will guide you towards an academic staff member in that area of expertise who is available to be contacted by the media.
Social & Digital Media
The SCM Office manages official social media accounts, and is responsible for generating fresh and exciting digital content in various forms for these platforms.
Find us & engage with us on:
Mary Immaculate College has an official logo for use on promotional material and clothing etc. Below are guidelines for logo usage and the correct application of MIC branding and logo; a document that communicates the values and identity of the MIC brand and the visual elements necessary to work within the brand identity, as well as guidelines for house-style and writing style to ensure consistency in tone of voice and identity.
MIC Brand Identity Guidelines
MIC Logo Guidelines

MIC Writing Style Guidelines
MIC House-Style Guidelines
The Story of our Logo
In 1973, the College’s Director of Art Education at the time, Evan Morrissey, designed a new insignia to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the College. The three panels of the insignia represent the three elements symbolising the identity of the College. On the left, an extract from the coat of arms of the historic city of Limerick represents the location of the College within the city. The central panel portrays the flame of learning embodied in the hosts of teachers who have cherished and educated multitudes of children in many lands. On the right, the Mercy symbol represents the founding Sisters of Mercy whose spirit has permeated the life of the College through the years.
The insignia is crowned by the words of the Psalmist chosen as the College motto “Briathar Dé mo Lóchrann” (“The Word of God, a lamp for my steps”, ps.118). Following the incorporation of MIC, St Patrick’s Campus, Thurles and the consequent expansion of the suite of programmes on offer at MIC, a new corporate logo was approved by An Bord Rialaithe in 2016 in order to enhance the integrity of MIC’s unique identity.
The SCM Office manages MIC’s corporate website,, which helps in the promotion of all Communication and Marketing activities and College events.
The Web Administrator (Webmaster) manages the MIC website day to day and is responsible for ensuring content is up to date while adhering to standards and best practices, including compliance with EU legislation in relation to cookies, accessibility and GDPR.
To contact the Web Administrator, please email
Website Owner/Editor
The Webmaster collaborates with MIC staff on changes and additions to the website and provides guidance and assistance to content editors and internal and external users. All functions of the College have a nominated owner/editor to review content on an ongoing basis and edit if necessary. The owner/editor list is available on the MIC Staff Portal here.
User-Guides & Training Videos
When updating/editing relevant sections of the website, there are website user-guides and training videos available for reference on the MIC Staff Portal here.
Content Editor Training
The Webmaster provides one-on-one content editor training as requested, group training specific to your Office, and offers training in groups twice annually.
Email to request training.
If you require any of the following services;
- You want to create a new section/webpage or webform
- You require web content training or editor access
- You need help setting up your staff profile or making updates
Please email:
Alumni Reunion
The annual MIC Alumni Reunion is our largest event for graduates and is a wonderful opportunity to meet up with old friends, and reacquaint themselves with the College and the many developments that have taken place at MIC.
Reunion activities include a ‘meet and greet’, mass in the College Chapel (optional), refreshments, group photographs and campus tours.
Stay in Touch
MIC is glad to hear from our past graduates and there are a number of ways to engage with the College.
Sign up for the bi-monthly MIC Alumni Newsletter here.
The MIC Alumni & Friends Facebook page features regular news and updates about alumni and upcoming events.
Events Coordination Service
External Parties
Mary Immaculate College rents campus facilities in both Limerick and Thurles to external parties for activities such as conferences, meetings, sporting and cultural events, lectures, classes, workshops and more. See MIC's Conference facilities here.
Booking enquiries are welcome at any time but please note that availability is very limited Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm during MIC term time. Exact dates for the Academic Year vary year on year but term time runs roughly from the beginning of September to mid/late December (Semester 1; autumn term) and late January to mid-May (Semester 2; spring term) exclusive of major events, College and public holidays, and Easter break.
For bookings after 6pm on weekdays and any time on weekends during term, and any days and hours out of term, email Provide as much detail as you can, including; contact details, type of event/activity, times, dates, number and type of room(s) required, preferred set up/room configuration and any other information that would assist in finding the ideal space for your booking.
You will receive an automatic response with further instructions and relevant information, and someone will be in contact with you in a timely fashion.
Please Note:
- Bookings for MIC Accommodation (which is only available to external parties out of term) should be directed to
- Bookings for Lime Tree Theatre should be directed to
MIC Staff
Class timetables for all rooms (except G10, G08, designated meeting rooms and a few others) are coordinated by Student Academic Administration (SAA). MIC staff members should contact SAA with extra requirements etc.
If MIC staff members wish to book rooms after 6pm on weekdays and any time on weekends during term, and any time out of term, they should email, giving details including; contact details, times, dates, number and type of room(s) required and preferred set up/room configuration.
Guidelines for booking meeting rooms (for internal use) are on the Staff Portal here.
Visit the Staff Portal for more information about the services offered by Events Coordination.
- About
- Staff
- Programme Marketing
- Communications
- Branding
- Website
- Alumni
- Events Coordination Service