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Peer Mentoring

Information for New Students

We know the transition to College can be both exciting and daunting, so we have developed a Peer Mentoring Programme for all incoming first year students. We hope that meeting your peer mentor and fellow mentees will help you settle into MIC and make your student experience a positive one.

Who are the Peer Mentors?

All the peer mentors have volunteered their time to develop listening and supporting skills. They have received training for the role in the previous Academic Year and can use their own experience in MIC to help you.

They are the friendly face around campus and you can feel sure they will say hello and point you in the right direction if you are lost. Even if they don’t know the answer to your question, they will suggest someone who can help you.

Peer Mentoring Programme
Peer Mentoring Programme

What can Peer Mentors do for me?

The mentors can provide insights into how to make the most of opportunities at MIC, and avoid potential pitfalls. They can also help you to increase your knowledge of the MIC Campus and Limerick City.

Their aim is to help you settle within the college and the city by introducing you to fellow classmates and providing introductions to MISU (Students’ Union) Clubs & Societies and MIC Sports.

Here are some questions they can help you with:

  • Where are my lectures, timetables, tutorials?
  • How do I sign up for Moodle?
  • What’s a module?
  • Where are the best places to go in Limerick City?
  • Are there Clubs & Socs or sports that I can join?

How do I sign up?

To be allocated a Peer Mentor please email


College Support

This programme was developed through a collaboration between lots of members of the academic staff, professional services and Students’ Union (MISU). We are all passionate about the benefits of a peer mentoring programme.

The key members of the College who will be supporting both Peer Mentors and their Mentees are the Student Counselling Team, made up of Paula Seth, Melanie Brown, Neil Collings & Martin Slott-Sorensen. As well as this there is support from the Student Life Officer, Rob O’Halloran.

  • Information for New Students